Gateway HSN Guidelines


Cancellation of Classes

If a class needs to be canceled due to severe weather or other emergency, families will be contacted by phone and /or email.  

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to be faithful in attendance.  While we realize that many families take vacations during the semester, please keep absences to a minimum.  Gateway Academy students are responsible to make up missed assignments as arranged with the teacher.  Planned absences such as vacations, field trips or other unavoidable conflicts should be reported as soon as possible to aid the instructor in planning for those days.  To meet state requirements, parents are responsible to maintain their own attendance records.

Student expectations

Students are expected to:

·         Arrive early enough to be seated and ready to start when class begins.

·         Be prepared for class -- bring all materials required for each class.

·         Be courteous and respectful to fellow students and teachers.

·         Participate in classroom discussions and activities.

·         Be prepared to stay in the classroom the entire period in assigned seat or area.

·         Complete all homework, unless arrangements are made with parent.

·         Remain seated in the classroom until dismissed by the teacher.

·         Keep their backpack and supplies with you or neatly placed along the back wall under the coat rack or in place designated by teacher.

·         Sign in and study quietly in the designated study hall area or at the back of the designated class when study hall is not available.  Recommend only one study hall during day.  Students may be assigned an activity to participate in during "study hall" time.  Cooperation is required.    

·         Remain in the building unless accompanied by an adult.  Gateway is a “closed campus.” Once arriving, students will stay on premises until leaving at the end of their last class or end of day.

Homework Policy

Students are expected to complete and turn in assignments each week.  If there is a family emergency or situation, additional time can be granted as agreed by the parent and teacher.   If a student comes to class without completed assignments and without prior parental notification, at the teacher’s discretion, he/she may be seated in the back of the class to work on incomplete assignments which limits participation in discussions, group activities, such as labs or small group projects, until they are completed.  Missing assignments are reflected as an “f” in the grade book.   Late assignments are subject to a 10% deduction in grade unless previously arranged with parent.  Students who repeatedly attend class without completed assignments will be moved to “audit” status, which is the same tuition cost. Depending on the class, teachers may have more specific guidelines.   Parents are encouraged to stay in contact with the teachers.  

Assignment/Writing guide

To help prepare students for their next level of education or life calling we encourage students to do their best. Therefore, students are expected to write and complete assignments at their appropriate grade level. To help meet this standard the following writing standards are to be followed:

·         Papers/essays will be typed according to MLA standards.  

·         Short answer questions will be answered in complete sentences, typed, unless in workbooks or directed by the teacher.

·         All papers need:  name, date, class and assignment (2-1 etc.)

·         Assignments not meeting these standards may not be accepted.

Academic Ethics

Students are expected to do their own work.  Plagiarizing another’s work, copying from the internet without giving credit or copying from another student, is not acceptable.  These assignments will be given a “0.”  

Electronic devices

Gateway is not responsible for loss or damage of electronic devices brought to class or a sponsored activity. If you choose to bring such items at your own risk the following policy applies:  Please have all cell phones turned off during class times. Turn off all other electronic devices such as Ipods or hand held games during class time.  Teachers have the right to collect cell phones or other electronic devices used during class to be returned by the end of the day.


Please eat and store food in the designated area only.   All students are expected to clean up after themselves. Hot lunches provide an on-going fund raiser at Gateway and your participation is greatly appreciated. Students may not leave at lunch time, so either bring your lunch or purchase lunch at Gateway.

Christian Character

Because Gateway Academy is a Christian ministry, the student’s behavior should reflect the desire to honor God while building healthy relationships, and Godly character.  Proper respect for authority is expected. Students are expected to refrain from smoking, alcohol, foul language, illegal drugs, pornography, fighting and public displays of affection.  Basic rule: hands to yourself.

We realize families may have different views on the subject of relationships and Gateway does not intend to legislate family life; however, we expect students to honor the philosophy of building healthy friendships vs. dating and behave accordingly while on the premises or at any Gateway sponsored activity.  (This means no personal displays of affection: flirting, holding hands, kissing, inappropriate touching, etc.)  Students who choose not to adhere to these guidelines should consider another option for their schooling.  

Dress Guidelines

Modest dress is required.  While casual dress is permitted, the following guidelines need to be observed in order to maintain a positive learning atmosphere:  No offensive message t-shirts, low-cut necklines, low riding pants, tight pants, short skirts, or short shorts, etc.   

Computer lab

The computer lab is intended for educational purposes.   Word processing is available as well as companion sites for offered classes and research capabilities. Lab will be open only when adult supervision is available. General surfing, games and social networking is not permitted during the school day.  


Tuition is due the first of the month, please pay tuition on time.  We keep fees to a minimum and cannot operate each month without everyone contributing.   Envelopes are provided.  Put your name on the envelope, indicate what the money if for, and place it in the appropriate container. To avoid confusion please follow this procedure and do not hand money directly to the teachers or staff.  Tuition discounts are available. We are always willing to work with families in financial need as arranged individually, so please let us know if there is a problem.   In order to enrich our program, fundraisers, such as Box Tops for Education, are scheduled throughout the year, please participate.

Younger siblings.  

Gateway Academy classes are intended for grades 6-12, however we realize that some parents who teach or assist in class will have younger children with them.   These younger siblings are to be supervised in the designated area during class time or seated quietly in the back of the class the parent is teaching or assisting in.  We will work together to schedule supervision during the teaching times, however at all other times parents are to be with their younger children. Parents are to provide school work or quiet activities for this time. Younger children are to remain inside the building at all times unless accompanied by an adult.  Also, the public library and parks are nearby for your use.




(Rev. 5/30/2018)